Last Flowers of the Fall Garden
Our flower gardens continued to flower through October. In November, we started to lose the least hard flowers (nasturtiums, gazania, zinnia, and more), some flowering plants started to go into dormancy, and a few hung on as the temperatures hovered around 0 ºC.
The last flowers in bloom in exposed spots were snapdragons (Antirrhinum sp.). We had quite a few of them, many self-seeded. Some will even overwinter. By mid-November we had a night of minus 5ºC and that was the end of the flowering cycle in our garden.
Some images of the last flowers are shared here in a gallery. Click an image for a lightbox view and a caption/ID.
In 2024, we spotted the first flowers at the end of March, an 8 month flowering year.
Last Flowers of the Fall Garden — No Comments
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