Buse Hill Nature Hike
We hiked to the top of the hill in Buse Protected Area, taking our time, and enjoying the wildflowers and pollinators. The open grassland hills had a number of flowering plants like sticky geranium (Geranium viscosissimum), lemonweed (Lithospremum ruderale), lupines (Lupinus sp.), and upland larkspur.
All photos by the author. Click an image for a lightbox view and caption.
On the upper slopes we saw cut-leaved daisy, yellow desert fleabane (Erigeron linesris), woodland stars (Lithophragma parvilforum), buckwheat (Eriogonum sp.), and old man’s beard (Geum triflorum).
There were a few patches of Okanogan fameflower, various pussytoes, balsamroot, sedums, and more. Butterflies and other pollinators were active, but so were the mosquitoes!