Trophy Mountain Meadows – Alpine Wildflowers
On a hike from the trailhead to the top of the mountain we passed from a wet montane forest to a subalpine forest to subalpine meadows to alpine ridges. The treeline was about 2050 m. In the protected cirque below the summit ridges, subalpine wildflowers like western spring beauty, pasqueflower, marsh marigold, and 3 types of heathers were in bloom, but as we moved to the barren ridge above, only low-growing, mat-forming wildflowers were found.
Click an image for a larger/lightbox view and a caption. There are many varieties of draba and we are still working on specific identifications so your help is appreciated.
A little later in the summer we would also spot inky gentian and alpine harebells, but none were spotted on this early July hike to the summit.
We will be back into the Trophy Range in late August so we will watch for the late bloom before the frosts move back to the alpine ridges.