I hike to the summit of Trophy Mountain in the summer every year, taking photos along the way. The last hike up was on a warm and sunny day. The trail winds through forest for about 2 km before emerging into subalpine meadows.
On the sloping seep meadows, hellebore has grown to its summer height with long tassels and small yellow flowers. The entire plant is poisonous.
On open wet meadows cotton grass seedheads were displayed and will soon be dispersed by the wind.
Also on wet slopes near small streams were patches of pink monkey flower in bloom.
A series of daisies bloom in succession in the subalpine zone. These alpine daisies were just emerging.
Marsh marigolds were near the end of their flowering phase at the edge of small pools of standing water.
Pasqueflowers were flowering at the upper end of the subalpine zone and even in the alpine zone. They were finished flowering and were forming seedheads at lower elevations.
Mats of white mountain heather were in flower, especially in sheltered locations.
Three varieties of paintbrush were spotted at different elevations, always gracing the mountain slopes:
Variations in color were found along the trail.
At the lower end of the subalpine zone, pasqueflower was in the “towhead” phase.
Other articles on wildflowers found in the Trophy Mountains can be found on this website. Use the search bar to find more information.