Shrubby penstemon is one of the finest flowering shrubs of our area, a welcome sight in late spring and summer.
- Penstemon fruticosas is a low-growing evergreen shrub (or subshrub) that grows on open, rocky hillsides in our area.
- Many branches rise from 15 to 40 cm. Basal eaves are opposite and lanceolate and more dense, reduced in size and frequency higher on the shrub.
- Pairs of tubular two-lipped purple/blue/lavender corollas emerge at the ends of stems.
- Shrubby penstemon is one of the showiest flowering shrubs of our area.
- All photos in the gallery were taken by the author. Click an image for a lightbox view and more information.
- Small capsules and many seeds form after flowering.
- First Nations peoples used the plant for dyes, concoctions, and washes.
- We have spotted shrubby penstemon in mid and subalpine locations on well-drained or rocky ground with an open exposure.
- Penstemon fruticosas can be propagated from cuttings in spring. It is our intention to obtain, take cuttings and layer plants in the spring for planting on exposed slopes in the back in 2020.