On Yak Peak
We hiked up to the top of Yak Peak in the Coquihalla Summit area and took a number of photos along the way, some of which are featured in this video: (Link for subscribers.)
Continue reading →We hiked up to the top of Yak Peak in the Coquihalla Summit area and took a number of photos along the way, some of which are featured in this video: (Link for subscribers.)
Continue reading →On a hike from the trailhead to the top of the mountain we passed from a wet montane forest to a subalpine forest to subalpine meadows to alpine ridges. The treeline was about 2050 m. In the protected cirque below … Continue reading →
We hiked from the Trophy Mountain trailhead to the summit of the peak going from wet montane forest to subalpine forest to subalpine meadows and finally up alpine ridges. The alpine meadows are extensive on Trophy Mountain. We hiked to … Continue reading →
We hiked from the trailhead of the Trophy Mountain Trail to the summit in July, passing through several habitats. The first two kilometers went through wet montane forests to subalpine forests. We took photos along the way and some are … Continue reading →
Aristida purpurea is an uncommon grass in the Kamloops area. It is much more common in the south Okanagan but you do occasionally come across it in our area. It grows on coarse-textured or rocky soils often on steep slopes … Continue reading →
In June we start to hike into the subalpine zone, mostly to the 2000m level, particularly of there are meadows along the way. One of those hikes was into the Cornwall Hills, captured into this video: Another hike went into … Continue reading →
On a recent trip to Penticton to meet up with a group of people interested in mosses and liverworts, I came across Hedwigia ciliata growing on a rock outcrop south of Penticton. Although it is not rare, it is an … Continue reading →
Aulacomnium palustre On a walk along the ski trails at Stake Lake just after much of the snow had melted I was looking for things to photograph. In a moist forested area next to the trail I came upon a … Continue reading →
Ceratodon purpureus is one of the most widespread and common species in the world. Almost anywhere there is some kind of soil disturbance, you will find Ceratodon. Hence, that is why I don’t like the common name as it implies it is … Continue reading →
We paddled and hiked near Osoyoos Lake and found that milkweed was in bloom in mid-June. A few of those images are shared here. Click an image for a full sized view. We didn’t spot any monarch butterflies … Continue reading →
On a recent hike along the lower Stein River, I came across a small thallus liverwort growing in a crevice on a rock face. It is named Asterella gracilis. Instead of stems and leaves like those of mosses, the plant … Continue reading →
After paddling on the lake, I hiked the 3.5 km loop around the lake, often moving quickly because of the hungry mosquitoes in early June. Along the way i managed to get a few photos. Click an image for a … Continue reading →