On Red Plateau
We drove up the Red Plateau Forest Service Road and parked at 1198 m in elevation to hike a 10 km loop on top of Red Plateau. Our route took us out to the Escarpment Rim. There were many open spots along the trail, but the south-facing forest was open and inviting too.
On the barren volcanic south-facing slopes Okanogan fameflower (Talinum sediforme) had new buds. There would be a display in the next week.
I spotted a cicada by the side of the trail.
Sulphur cinquefoil (Potentilla recta) was being pollinated by a blister beetle.
Dandelions were attracting pollinators, like this dappled white butterfly.
There were many wildflowers and pollinators along the way, with a few shared here. Click an image for a caption.
Three pollinators were busy at work side-by-side on dandelions.
This green comma posed for a photo.
Red Plateau has many different types of ecosystems so we can explore the area over the whole season and continue to find new natural wonders.