Naked Broomrape
During a hike along a high south-facing moist to dry (spring to summer) open slope, we came across a large number of naked broomrape (orobanche uniflora) in bloom. It is a parasitic perennial (mostly on stonecrop).
The stems were short and one to three tubular purplish flowers were all in bloom at the same time.
It is sometimes called one-flowered cancer root or oneflowered broomrape.
In other parts of the province the flowers can be blue or yellow, as compared to these purple and yellow striped hairy petals.
The perennials grow from a tuber-like fleshy root.
These perennials are not often spotted in our area. They require a suitable host plant and the right soil conditions to flourish. We know two spots and we will be returning to those spots to witness the bloom again next year.