McArthur Island Loop
On a cool late-November grey day we walked around McArthur Island. There are a number of large weeping willows (Salix × sepulcralis) on the island, now with no leaves.
Old willow trunks often have distinct trunks and folded bark.
Cottonwoods were being felled by local beavers all along the riverbanks.
White clematis (Clematis linguistifolia) stems were leafless, but feathery seedheads remain supported by shrub growth.
The west end of the trail winds through cottonwoods and birch, the quietest part of the trail.
Mallards can almost always be found at the footbridge area on the north side of the island.
In a small garden overlooking the lagoon is a single larch tree, with the yellow foliage starting to fade and fall in cold winter winds
Geese were clustered in flocks in the channel between McArthur Island and Rabbit Island.
Across the channel we could see red ossier dogwood, willows, and grasses on Rabbit Island.
Although the walk is mostly paved and flat, the way is surrounded by natural features – the river, the lagoons, trees, and the many varieties of plants along the way.