Mahood River Trail Fungi
We have hiked along the Mahood River from Clearwater River to Sylvia Falls and from Mahood Lake down to Goodwin Falls. The trail is a single track that follows the river with forest on both sides, but the falls add mists to the river valley and the area has lots of plant growth and in the fall, fungi are abundant.
Puffballs (Lycoperdon pratense) were found on this trail in the summer on a hike from the down from Mahood Lake. .
Orange hydnellum (Hydnellum aurantiacum) attracted our attention, looking ominous and inedible.
Polypores are often sighted in Wells Gray park. There are many varieties.
Puffballs were the most frequently spotted fungus along the route.
White coral fungus (Clavulina coralloides) was spotted in two locations, both in shady locations in the forest.
Our knowledge of fungus is limited and a steep learning curve is ahead, but we appreciate observing and photographing fungi when we hike the trails.