In the Hills Above Goose Lake
I hiked from the Goose Lake area into the hills on the border between the forest and the grasslands, going quietly, observing the forest, the open slopes, the birds, and wildflowers on an eclectic route. In the open spots, western spring beauty (claytonia sp.) rose above last year’s grasses, especially in open spots.
Lupines (lupinus sp.) were not yet in bloom but the stalks were developing buds for emerging blooms next month.
Last year’s grasses were getting a good start and soon there will be taller, green stems and blades, followed by small blooms, then seedhead development. From the hilltop I had 360 degree views but on this sidehill the main view was over to Sugarloaf Hill.
In the grasses, low-growing yellow violets (viola sp.) could only be seen from a close distance.
And chickweed (cerastium spp.) with near-transparent white petals were found in a few spots on grassy slopes.
Each new place brings new discoveries as I rotate my hikes and wildflower walks in the hills every few days through spring and summer.
I really enjoy your wildflower adventures! Thank you. Jan_a_birdman [Instagram account]].