By the Stake Marshes
On a hot, smoky day I hiked on the Stake Lake Trails, enjoying the flora and fauna along the way. A few wildflowers and flowering shrubs were photographed, some of which are shared here.
Just emerging were pearly everlastings (Anaphalia margaritacea) with their white, papery bracts.
Also recently blooming in the high country was fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium). The stalks seemed shorter this year, probably because of dry conditions. Fireweed is one of the first plants to populate burned areas.
Rosy pussytoes (Antennaria microphylla) was already going to seed, for wind-dispersal soon.
Although paintbrush (Castilleja sp.) is plentiful, there are wide variations and some just seem incandescent in the right light.
Down on the shores of the marshes were rein orchids (Platenthera sp.), in the height of their flowering season. I also spotted these on a nearby lake.
Bog (pink) wintergreen (Pyrola clorantha sp.) bloomed right next to the orchids, on wet, marshy ground.
There were many other wildflowers and flowering shrubs along the way, a few of which are featured here. Click an image for a caption.