Baneberry (Actea rubra sp.) is a perennial that grows up to 100 cm in height.
- Stems grow from a woody base of rhizomes.
- The stems are branched and leafy.
- Leaves are alternate and divided into three parts with toothed edges.
- Many small white showy flowers form on the ends of stalks in late spring – early summer (over about 3 weeks).
- The flowers lack nectar but the pollen may attract flies, bees, and beetles.
- All photos taken by the author. Click an image for a lightbox view.
- After flowering red or white berries form (if pollinated).
- Brown seeds fall at the end of the season, usually after the first hard frost.
- All parts of the plant are poisonous to humans, but not to birds.
- Found in wet soils and shady locations, more frequently spotted on north slopes.
- Not found lower in the valley in the Kamloops area, but can be spotted higher on the Interior Plateau.