An Equinox Nature Hike
On March 20, the spring equinox, the lower Batchelor Hills were dry for a hike in the sagebrush grasslands. The stars of the day were yellow bells (Fritillaria pudica). Click an image for a lightbox view and caption.
The route went across open slopes, through gullies, and over ridges, all on south-facing moderate terrain.
Emerging plants included saskatoon buds, big sagebrush (Artemesia adrentata) leafing out, small-leaf pussytoes, and mustard flower rust (Puccinia monoica).
And there were insects on the go too. Black beetles were spotted as well as this wolf spider (Lycosidae sp.).
With mountain bikers, runners, hikers, and dog-walkers on the go, mule deer (Odocilius hemionus) were hiding out in the deeper gullies and were surprised to see a human go down the steep slopes.
As we continue to hike throughout spring, we will watch for the new arrivals….